Sigh ... The 2018 Camping Season has come and gone! And it was a fun one. Now it's time to start planning for the 2019 Season.
Planning Meeting and Elections will be held on Saturday, November 10th at noon. We'll be meeting at the Meridian KOA, 184 W Pennwood St. Lunch will be provided. Rosemary and I are working on the food. Please RSVP to Rosemary if you are planning on attending so we can plan accordingly. Email: or Cell: 208-861-0991.
After lunch, we'll be talking about plans for next year's campouts. I will have a calendar of dates and our past sites for consideration. Please start thinking about which date you would like to host and where. Also, check out lots of other possibilities at
And we'll be holding elections for the various offices -- President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer. If you are interested in running for an office, please give Marcia a call. She is person in charge of the nominating committee. Email: or cell: 208-631-4435. Below you will find the information on the various offices and duties.
Your To Do list:
1) RSVP to Rosemary
2) Pick a date and place for hosting in 2019
3) Run for office
Looking forward to seeing all of you at this upcoming meeting. Give me a holler if you have any questions.
Thanks, Rita 
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The officers of the Chapter shall consist of the following:
STANDING RULE 2 - DIRECTORSA. The members of the Board of Directors shall be the officers and one member elected from the Membership at large, the Director-At-Large. Any binding action must be passed by an affirmative vote of at least three members.
B. In the event of the death or resignation of the Director-At-Large, a replacement shall be elected at the next Meeting of the Members of the Chapter. The Director-At-Large shall cease to be the Director-At-Large upon election or appointment to an official position, and the President shall appoint from the general Membership to fill the vacancy, the appointment to last until the next regular election of officers/directors.
C. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, property and interests of the Chapter and may exercise all powers of the Chapter.
A. President. The President shall be the presiding officer at all Meetings of the Chapter Membership and Board of Directors. President shall be responsible for enforcement of the general rules of conduct of the Membership and especially the rules of safety which are adopted by the Membership. President shall appoint from the general Membership to fill any vacancy in an officer position, the appointment to last until the next regular election of officers. In the event the President’s office shall fall vacant, the Vice President shall become President and appoint a successor as Vice President. President shall fulfill duties as a member of the State Committee.
B. Vice President. The Vice President shall serve in the President’s stead in the President’s absence. Vice President shall be responsible for the organization, planning and conduct of all Recreational Events. Vice President shall appoint an Event Director/Wagonmaster from available volunteers for each Recreational Event to take responsibility for the planning and coordination of each specific event. Vice President shall have Recreational Events approximately once every three weeks from April through October.
C. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining complete and accurate records of the Chapter. The minimum records to be maintained shall be:
(1) Record of all Membership Meetings to include the date, presiding officer, attendance, and any resolutions, either passed or defeated.
(2) Record of all Board meetings to include the date, presiding officer, attendance and any resolutions, either passed or defeated.
(3) Record of all elections to include date, position, candidates and tally of votes by candidates.
(4) Historical record of the Chapter to include a history of Membership and Recreational Events.
(5) Shall be responsible for keeping the Chapter Roster updated on the STATE website and furnish a copy to Chapter officers.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the completion and timely submission of all required reports.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the primary officer responsible for the collection of dues, payment of the Chapter’s obligations to the extent funds are available to meet said obligations, and the security of the Chapter’s funds by depositing the funds in the Chapter’s bank account as established by the Board from time to time. Treasurer shall prepare a Treasurer’s report for presentation at each Membership Meeting which shall include the funds balance at the time of the previous report, funds received since then and the sources, funds expended since then, and the current balance of funds on hand. The report shall be in such form and contain such additional detail as the Board shall determine appropriate from time to time.
Secretary-Treasurer shall be the primary signing authority on all Chapter accounts and shall ensure that at least one additional officer, usually the President, shall also have signing authority on every account. Notwithstanding this requirement for two officers to have signing authority, only one signature shall be required for transactions.
D. Director-At-Large, unlike the officers, is elected to a two year term. The Director-At-Large shall:
(1) Attend the annual Directors’ Meeting in January and such other Directors’ meetings as may be called by the President.
(2) Is the Chairman of the nominating committee which the Director-At-Large shall convene each September to fix an initial slate of officer nominees for the following year. The slate of nominees so fixed will be voted upon together with any candidates nominated by members at the general election of officers and directors. The voting shall be by the Members attending the last meeting of the calendar year, either in person or by proxy. The nominating committee shall consist of three active members which shall be the Director-At-Large, the immediate past president (even if such office is then currently serving a second term in office) and a third member appointed by the Director-At-Large. In the event the immediate past president is not available to serve, Director-At-Large shall appoint another active member to serve in the immediate past president’s place.
(3) Shall not vote for officers in the general election of officers and directors but shall cast the tie-breaker vote in the event of a tie vote by the membership.
(4) Shall serve in the Presidents stead in the Presidents absence in the event the Vice President is not available for such service.
The officers of the Chapter shall consist of the following:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary – Treasurer
STANDING RULE 2 - DIRECTORSA. The members of the Board of Directors shall be the officers and one member elected from the Membership at large, the Director-At-Large. Any binding action must be passed by an affirmative vote of at least three members.
B. In the event of the death or resignation of the Director-At-Large, a replacement shall be elected at the next Meeting of the Members of the Chapter. The Director-At-Large shall cease to be the Director-At-Large upon election or appointment to an official position, and the President shall appoint from the general Membership to fill the vacancy, the appointment to last until the next regular election of officers/directors.
C. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, property and interests of the Chapter and may exercise all powers of the Chapter.
A. President. The President shall be the presiding officer at all Meetings of the Chapter Membership and Board of Directors. President shall be responsible for enforcement of the general rules of conduct of the Membership and especially the rules of safety which are adopted by the Membership. President shall appoint from the general Membership to fill any vacancy in an officer position, the appointment to last until the next regular election of officers. In the event the President’s office shall fall vacant, the Vice President shall become President and appoint a successor as Vice President. President shall fulfill duties as a member of the State Committee.
B. Vice President. The Vice President shall serve in the President’s stead in the President’s absence. Vice President shall be responsible for the organization, planning and conduct of all Recreational Events. Vice President shall appoint an Event Director/Wagonmaster from available volunteers for each Recreational Event to take responsibility for the planning and coordination of each specific event. Vice President shall have Recreational Events approximately once every three weeks from April through October.
C. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining complete and accurate records of the Chapter. The minimum records to be maintained shall be:
(1) Record of all Membership Meetings to include the date, presiding officer, attendance, and any resolutions, either passed or defeated.
(2) Record of all Board meetings to include the date, presiding officer, attendance and any resolutions, either passed or defeated.
(3) Record of all elections to include date, position, candidates and tally of votes by candidates.
(4) Historical record of the Chapter to include a history of Membership and Recreational Events.
(5) Shall be responsible for keeping the Chapter Roster updated on the STATE website and furnish a copy to Chapter officers.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the completion and timely submission of all required reports.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the primary officer responsible for the collection of dues, payment of the Chapter’s obligations to the extent funds are available to meet said obligations, and the security of the Chapter’s funds by depositing the funds in the Chapter’s bank account as established by the Board from time to time. Treasurer shall prepare a Treasurer’s report for presentation at each Membership Meeting which shall include the funds balance at the time of the previous report, funds received since then and the sources, funds expended since then, and the current balance of funds on hand. The report shall be in such form and contain such additional detail as the Board shall determine appropriate from time to time.
Secretary-Treasurer shall be the primary signing authority on all Chapter accounts and shall ensure that at least one additional officer, usually the President, shall also have signing authority on every account. Notwithstanding this requirement for two officers to have signing authority, only one signature shall be required for transactions.
D. Director-At-Large, unlike the officers, is elected to a two year term. The Director-At-Large shall:
(1) Attend the annual Directors’ Meeting in January and such other Directors’ meetings as may be called by the President.
(2) Is the Chairman of the nominating committee which the Director-At-Large shall convene each September to fix an initial slate of officer nominees for the following year. The slate of nominees so fixed will be voted upon together with any candidates nominated by members at the general election of officers and directors. The voting shall be by the Members attending the last meeting of the calendar year, either in person or by proxy. The nominating committee shall consist of three active members which shall be the Director-At-Large, the immediate past president (even if such office is then currently serving a second term in office) and a third member appointed by the Director-At-Large. In the event the immediate past president is not available to serve, Director-At-Large shall appoint another active member to serve in the immediate past president’s place.
(3) Shall not vote for officers in the general election of officers and directors but shall cast the tie-breaker vote in the event of a tie vote by the membership.
(4) Shall serve in the Presidents stead in the Presidents absence in the event the Vice President is not available for such service.
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Tumbleweeds Good Sam Chapter of Boise Idaho
President: Mark Bennett
Vice President: Rita Anderson
Secretary/Treasurer: Janet Sanchez
Director at Large - Marcia Seibel