Hello Tumbleweeds!!!
Happy New Year to all of you! Hope your holidays were delightful and everyone is in good health and raring to go camping! Yep, only 91 days from today, we'll be gathering at Snake River RV Park in Homedale to begin the camping season for 2019.
Attached you will find an updated copy of the campouts for this coming year. A couple of changes --
- Janet & Tino have decided to host their campout in August at Ft Running Bear in Mountain Home.
- They also decided to be the wagonmasters for the unclaimed campout in June -- they want to go to Bruneau Sand Dunes. Jim & I said we'd help out so we'll all be the "hosts with the most" for this campout.
- And finally, thanks to Rosemary who found us a banquet room, the Pre-season meeting on March 16th will be held at Casa Mexico, 10332 W Fairview Ave, Boise (about half a block east of 5 Mile Road, on the north side of the street. It's tucked in the corner of the mini-mall, to the left of Harbor Freight). Hopefully we'll see everyone there!
Please look over the list to be sure I have your correct information. Also, as soon as you have reservations made for your site, please let us know so the rest of us can make a reservation for a site close to yours.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Safe travels,
Tumbleweeds Good Sam Chapter of Boise Idaho
President: Rita Anderson
Vice President: Marcia Seibel
Secretary/Treasurer: Janet Sanchez
Director at Large - Mark Bennett