Good afternoon, Tumbleweeds.
Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely weather we're having. Cathie has assured me that Mike will provide good weather for our campout next weekend at Copperfield in Hells Canyon! If you are attending this campout but haven't confirmed with Cathie yet, please let her know ASAP.
I am sending along the minutes from the May 11th meeting for Marcia. Read them over when you have a minute.
Also, we have new members who joined at the last campout -- Carl & Robbin Smith. Please be sure to say hi and make them feel welcome when you can.
I have attached an updated membership roster which includes the Smiths. Can you believe we now have 14 rigs (28 people) with 5 prospects? We just keep on growing.
Also attached is the membership email list to make it easier to email everyone at one time if you don't already have the addresses in your CONTACT list for your email.
Let me know if you have any questions. I'll see everyone on the 28th of May.
Rita Anderson, President
Tumbleweeds Boise