Happy almost Valentine's Day! Hope you are all doing well and staying healthy! 😍
Two items on my list today:
- Reminder that the Pre-season Get-together Lunch is on Saturday, March 12th @ noon at the Outback Steakhouse on Overland in Boise. If you are planning on attending, please be sure you have marked YES on the planning sheet (tinyurl.com/Camping2022) and included the number in your party who will be there. We need to confirm with the restaurant at least a week ahead of time.
- I have been asked to gauge the interest in holding the first campout on April 1-3 at Bruneau Sand Dunes. I doubt the water will be on at that time (all depends on the weather) but electricity should still be available. Again, depending on the weather, not sure if Saturday night's potluck will be held on site or at one of the two restaurants in Bruneau. Jim & I are heading out that way next weekend to check them out.
So if you ARE interested, please click on the planning sheet (tinyurl.com/Camping2022) and mark YES in the INTERESTED column I have added on the 4/1 tab. This will help us decide if we should hold that campout or just cancel.
Let me know if you have any questions. The get-together lunch is only a month away and then camping season begins a couple of weeks after that.
Rita Anderson, President
Tumbleweeds Boise
Planning Sheet: tinyurl.com/Camping2022