I have attached a tentative copy of the campout schedule for next year and set up a new Camping Planner for the 2023 Season. This will be updated at the planning meeting in November.
Campout #4 - June 23-25 @ Ponderosa State Park
Rita & Jim have reserved site #101, Peninsula Chokeberry Loop
Once you have reserved your site, please update the Camping Planner.
BY PHONE: Reservations for stays within Idaho's State Parks can be made online and toll-free by phone at: 1-888-922-6743. Agents will be available seven days a week, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Mountain Standard Time (MST), and Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., MST.
Also, I have set up the Camping Planner 2023 (tinyurl.com/Camping2023). Bookmark this site for easy access. If you have problems adding information (or don't have access, let me know).
Please use this planner for the upcoming season. And this point forward, use ONLY the email addresses listed on the EMAIL tab. These email addresses change constantly! Several folks have asked to be removed from our old list and several members have left the group. Do not save this list to your computer. Use a fresh list whenever you need to send an email to the group. Thank you!
Rita Anderson, President
Tumbleweeds Boise
Camping Planner: tinyurl.com/Camping2023
Just a reminder that it's time to book Ponderosa for next June. Mae is joining Julie and I as co-hosts for the weekend. We're in site 99 and Mae is next door in site 98. There's still lots of sites available, but it will fill up.For now, looking forward to Three Island Crossing next month. Happy trails.David Wander
Sent from the all new AOL app for iOSOn Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 3:20 PM, dbaray@aol.com <dbaray@aol.com> wrote:
Howdy campers! Almost time to book your site at Ponderosa for next June. Julie and I are hosting and we are encouraging everyone to join us. We went there last June and really enjoyed the park. All you need to do for now is to make your reservation nine months before you want to arrive. The Tumbleweed weekend is June 23,24,25. Julie and I are planning on arriving Tuesday the 20th.The park has two sections, RV Campground and Peninsula Campground. We will be staying at the Peninsula Campground on the "Choke Cherry Loop"Both campgrounds have water and electricity. The Peninsula Campground is larger and easier to get in to. The only difference is that the RV Campground offers sewer in addition to water and electricity. If you choose RV Campground, it's an easy five minute drive to get to the other campground.You can book Ponderosa throughReserveAmericaLooking forward to seeing you guys soon,