The Nov 7th meeting was well attended and was a fun time all.
The election results -- the 2021 officers are
President - Rita AndersonVice President - Janet SanchezSecretary/Treasurer - Marcia SeibelDirector at Large - Mark Bennet
The Tumbleweeds voted to cast their vote for Eldona Lounsbury for the Idaho State Director. The official ballot was mailed to the State Treasurer before Nov 15th, as directed.
We would like to welcome three new rigs to our group:
- Bill & Pat Dayton- Rod & Sue Gallegos- Ryan & Sharon Montogomery
Welcome aboard, folks!!!! We also have some prospective members who will be joining us for a few of the campouts next year. Attached is an updated membership roster.
Most of the members choose to be wagonmasters for one of the campouts this coming year. We do have April 30 - May 2 open if anyone is interested in hosting this campout. Just let me know. You don't have to choose your campground yet, just need to know you will be hosting.
I have attached an updated list of the campouts for 2021. Let me know if you see any changes that need to be made.
One last item: if you have not yet paid your dues, please send the $15 check made out to Tumbleweeds Boise to our new treasurer, Marcia Seibel at 703 Jackson Boise, Idaho 83705 as soon as you can. Thank you!
Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 13th at noon, place to be determined. More information will be sent before the meeting.
As always, let me know if you have any questions.
Jim & I wish everyone a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING and we look forward to good camping adventures in 2021!
Stay safe and healthy,
-- Rita 
Rita Anderson, President
Tumbleweeds Boise
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