Tuesday, June 28, 2022

TUMBLEWEEDS: Poison Creek Campout July 13-17

Long email -- lots of information. Please read to the end. 😉

Can you believe it? The summer camping season for the Tumbleweeds is half over! 

Last weekend's campout was quite nice at Farewell Bend. Hosts Julie & Dave, Bill & Pat kept us well fed and there was lots of good conversation and good eating! It did get a bit warm and Friday had lots of wind but by Saturday, the wind had died down. We thank our hosts for a lovely time! 👍

Next up -- Poison Creek campground on Lake Cascade, July 15-17
Camp hosts: Rita & Jim. Looks like there will be 13 rigs with 30 people attending. 

# Attending: *30 # Rigs:13
First Name Last Name Attending Number Comments/Sites Food
Rita & Jim Anderson / Craft Yes 2 Site #248 "It's picnic time!" Variety of sub sandwiches and sides
Nancy & John Boudreaux Yes 2 #141 West Mountain /Thur-Sun  
Roy & Rosemary Bowman / Zimbelman Yes 2 #144 West Mountain Thur-Sun  
Bill & Pat Dayton Yes 2 #233  
Jim & Beccie McDonell Yes 2 West Mtn  
Dani & Ted Renk Yes 2 #133 West Mountain - Thur-Sun  
Marcia & Dennis Seibel Yes 2 Sun.7/10-7/18 #237  
Robbin & Carl Smith Yes 6 West Mt #131 Thur - Sun; bringing grandkids Fri meat/cheese tray Sat crab salad
Marji & Phil Smith Yes 2    
Sally & John Sokolik Yes 2 Sage 201; will change to 135  
Julie & David Wander Yes 2 #240 Monday 11-Sunday 17  
Lois & Bill James Yes 2 #148 west mountain thur-14-17  
Deb & Nancy Knudsen / Schlossman Yes 2    
Did I miss anyone? 
When you have a minute, please fill out the Camping Planner with your site info and food for Friday and Saturday or let me know your info and I will fill in for you. 

We will be gathering at Site #248 where Rita & Jim are staying. 

- Friday night will be Happy Hour at 6:00 pm. Bring your favorite appetizers to share with all.
- Saturday night will again be @ 6:00 pm. "It's PICNIC TIME." The main course will be a variety of sub sandwiches; we're asking for you to provide the sides: macaroni, green, potato and pasta salads; fruits (melons would be great); chips and dips; relishes; nuts; cold beans; deviled eggs; anything that sounds like fun "picnic-style." 

ATV/UTV rides:contact Jim & Beccie and/or Roy & Rosemary for more information. 


More information found at

Also, check itdprojects.org/ID55smithsferry for traveling information. 

SIDENOTE: If you decide not to attend this campout, please let me know BEFORE canceling your reservation. There are several folks who would like to attend but can't find a site. Thank you! 

Let me know if you have questions. 

Looking forward to this campout. Hope we'll see you there,
Rita 😊
Rita Anderson, President
Tumbleweeds Boise
Camping Planner: tinyurl.com/Camping2022